New developments for IRC in 2021

For 2021, the International Rating Certificate (IRC) new developments include the addition of flying headsails to the IRC sail wardrobe and an improved method of rating spinnaker poles and whisker poles.

Recognizing the evolution of sail types, IRC has introduced a new definition of a Flying Headsail which encompasses some “Code0” sails that do not measure as a spinnaker. There are several rules defining the Flying Headsail relating to the half width/foot ratio, a maximum tack point position, no battens or stiffening of the sail and other requirements.

A new definition of Spinnaker Pole Length has been added to enable IRC to better rate boats with both a bowsprit and spinnaker poles; and the 2021 IRC software includes changes to the rating of whisker poles with the intention of rating them more equitably.

Full details are in the IRC Rule and further advice is available on the IRC website: